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BMX Racing since 1985...


How it all began...

Dynamite was started on January 5, 1985 in Dominguito (a local suburb) by children, who were family, friends and acquaintances. It all began in hofi Dudu in Dominguito where these children created their own obstacles to do bicicross. After a while they took part in a race in a neighborhood nearby where they lost. That was the moment they asked Sharon “Papito” Perez if he would like to help/coach them.  A year later the team participated in their first competition in Aruba.


First race across borders

The first competition was in Aruba in 1986 and the team was pretty successful!


International Competition

On TV the team saw that in Venezuela the sport was very active and they made contact with them and went to Venezuela to race. It was the team’s first international race where Anomar Marchena won 1st place in the competition. With that victory he became the first Dynamiter and Curacao BMXer ever to win the 1st place in such a race.


Panamerican Championships

Dynamite traveled to Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia and also in Curacao with great performance and results wining a few Panamerican Champioship titles. Grandly Perez and Anomar Marchena won 1st place in their categories to conquer a Panamerican Champioship titles.


World Championships

Riders participated in Brazil, USA, Colombia, The Netherlands and England for the BMX World Championships. In Colombia in 1995, Zahur Fraai won 5th place, which surely was an awesome performance landing him on the 5th position of the world in his category.

Grandly Perez, nr. 310, when he won a title in Venezuela in 1986

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